
The articles Multi-Key Homomorphic Signatures Unforgeable under Insider Corruption (Russell W. F. Lai, Raymond K. H. Tai, Harry W. H. Wong, Sherman S. M. Chow) as well as Homomorphic Secret Sharing for Low Degree Polynomials (Russell W. F. Lai, Giulio Malavolta, Dominique Schröder) have been accepte...

Category: Allgemein, Talks

The Chair of Applied Cryptography will host the Theory of Cryptography Conference 2019 in Nuremberg. Program Chairs are Dennis Hofheinz of KIT and Alon Rosen.

Category: Allgemein

Quantum computers pose a risk for today’s IT infrastructure. Common elliptic curves are broken with a computing power of 1,500 qubits. Widely used algorithms like RSA-1024 are broken with about 2,048 qubits. Current Quantum Computer use up to 72 qubit (Google) and scalability is still a major issue....

Category: PhD

In this article, we present a cryptographic flaw in the Zerocoin cryptographic scheme (not Zerocash), which allows an attacker to burn coins of honest users. On the way, we identified two more critical coding issues in a software library implementing Zerocoin, allowing an attacker to create mone...

Category: Allgemein